Bounding Through Time like a K-T Event
This will be a multi-part series for an author going by the handle Nightlily97. It has everything I need in a story: bad characterization, sappy male characters and subtle cuckoldry, and a misuse of time travel. The small, multi-chapter stories will be summarized quickly, whereas the others will be covered in depth.
Why not start off with enough sap to make the maple syrup industry go bankrupt? As usual, it's based on a tumblr prompt:
You get the 'I don't deserve him and he's mine and boy you are going to love it when I suck his dick' plot.
I don't mind the 'Friends to Lovers' trope, and it's a pretty effective tactic to build up a romance. But here, it's so hamfisted I'm waiting for the actual fisting to happen.
First, Jacob and Evie's thinking often diverged so much they would get into fights. In regards to his father, Jacob is rather stingy over him, viewing Evie as a carbon copy of him. Wouldn't Arno reminding him of his dad be a bad thing?
This is an AU where these two exist in the same timeline. Arno is almost a hundred years behind Jacob in canon. He's gotta tell me what kind of skin cream he uses.
2. This level of attachment when you barely know each other is not healthy.
3. Yes, pull yourself together. You don't have any chemistry and one of the major parts of any relationship is dealing with each other when you are apart. If you cannot live without that person for more than an hour, you need psychiatric help.
A guy who nearly burned a building full of kids and snapped a baby bird's neck is A-OK now. You know, Lily, that animal abuse is a sign of psychopathy? That IRL serial killers, before they killed humans, all abused animals? Yup, get along just fine.
This is the self-hating homosexual cliche, and as always it's a Red Herring: 'Ugh, homosexuality is so disgusting. You want to bang my hole, dude? I'll totally suck your dick.' While homosexuality was decriminalized in France in 1791, it was for personal affairs only; you could not be an open homosexual. In Britain, there were still buggery laws but, again, you had to be an open homosexual to be caught. This was an era where the good old British tradition of cottaging arose, along with rich gay men going to poorer European countries to sodomize young boys. It's a dirty secret, and men did it to both underage girls and boys.
And, once again, you two barely know each other.
"I loved a woman with all of my heart and was thrown into a depression when she died, but it's OK because I met you and became bi-curious and then gay. Just one meeting and I know I was 100% closeted. Screw that ginger, she was a bitch!"
We don't even learn of what this 'dark place' is, that's how ham-fisted this romance is.
In Chapter 2, we have this:
This is not the era of Grindr or e-mail, where messages can be sent instantaneously. Letters can take months to reach their sender. While with locomotives and mailing systems/telecommunication systems becoming more sophisticated during this era, it was not perfect. Not getting a letter for months is perfectly normal. Stop being an obsessive baby, Jacob.
You want a tissue for all that onion chopping?
Jacob gets unnecessarily upset and possessive when a simple mistake of not reading his mail is addressed. We have had no real build-up of this relationship, so this whole thing appears very one-sided, if not possessive.
It's pretty easy why. Roth is jealous Jacob's attentions are towards someone else, so he stole the letters Arno sent him. Much shock. Arno then tells him - correctly! - Roth is a psychopath, and Jacob, for whatever reason, doesn't get it. The Rothfrye pairing is as cringy as the Dorian/Frye pairing, especially since Roth was a guy OK with burning a building full of kids.
Psychopaths and mass murderers get a pass provided they're gay.
Not only are you insulting my intelligence, you're insulting the reader's intelligence. No way in Hell Jacob would not know Roth didn't have a thing for him. They're acting like a bunch of sappy teenage girls. The signs are obvious as daybreak. Who are you fooling here?
Hey, you said it. Not me. Nice lampshading, though.
This story ends with the two lovers reuniting after a totally jaw-clenching scene of Arno almost dying, before plot armour saves him. Needless to say, it was anti-climatic.
Return of the Cringe will be right after the line break.
This one was written by a friend of the author. I wonder if there'll be any improvements?
We have a 'Fade to black' cliche. And Jacob goes back in time...
Wait. If you can speak French, yet the bartender speaks English...who is saying what, and what are you saying to everybody else? Ugh.
I can ask the author the same thing.
You read his file. He returned to the Brotherhood sometime in 1794. Either you're as dumb as Evie thinks you are, or are made dumber because the author doesn't know much canon. Whatever it is, I'm taking it with a lot of salt.
Except you...already had a brief introduction at the bar? You already sorta knew each other? Fuck it.
To be fair, it was likely Elise's death was never recorded as per his wishes, but Jacob has room to talk. They're both sassy bastards. That's why they're so loved by fans.
While you are quite the attraction, Monsieur Dorian, Jacob was sneaking a peek at your crotch, because he's going to be going the merry-go-round route with it soon.
Out of the mouths of babes...and a plagiarized plot. Imagine working in Japan all those months and copying the DLC. Let me mop the sweat off your brow.
No, that's why you were totes flirting not more than ten minutes ago.
There will be an addendum, as this fic was re-written by the author's friend. It will be covered right after the line break.
I wonder if this one will be any better?
Leon and Arno weren't related by blood, and Leon would be really, really old by this point. Again, I wonder what kind of skin cream he uses.
Wine is expensive, and you take me as a beer/ale drinker, Jacob. Englishmen love ale, Frenchmen prefer wine.
He was expelled from the Brotherhood, and it would have been recorded the same as Altair's demotion. Jacob must've not read the margins.
Jacob may not have been as diligent as Evie in regards to history, but Jacob should know that France at this time broke off with the Catholic Church and became secular. Plus, people were afraid of entering churches because of the restrictions on professions of faith. But I'm getting ahead of myself here.
Jacob, this isn't a safe space. Show some sass for once. And how is it he can speak French all of a sudden? Piece of Eden trick? Ah, who knows?
Well this ended abruptly. Was it any improvement? No. It was yet another copycat of the DLC, with a wasted time-travel plot and terrible characterizations and interactions. There's a thing called effort: you should spend some time on it.
Now, for the magnum opus (sorta).
Inspired by these comments:
Gingers don't get enough love; they're truly the oppressed people of the world. Elise gets the shank because she's 'such a bitch'. What would happen if she got the Spider-man Mary Jane treatment, or the race-swapping of Ariel from 'The Little Mermaid'? Nobody would touch her then.
We're not off to a good start if we're debating eye colour, here.
>Outstanding fighter
>Combat skills weren't too bad
Pick one.
It ended in 1799. And say you'll suck his dick. That'll work.
"I'm confused and don't know where I am, but fuck you I'm helpful."
Uh-oh. Better fridge the bitch, because the author doesn't like her!
In two months? This wouldn't fly even with an OC fic. There's no build-up here. At all.
I'd hate you too, Jacob, because you're a possessive asshole who will patiently wait until Arno's love dies so you can swoop in and have sex with him.
You know he's happy with Elise, but your jealousy is so overwhelming you'll do anything to break them apart, and will take glee in her death and Arno's heartbreak. In a single sentence, you became the world's biggest asshole, Jacob.
Eh? You and Evie often worked separately. Where is this coming from?
Elise dies at the end of Chapter 3, and this is where the romance will really come into play.
"Yes, the love of your life died. It's awesome, because now I can have you all to myself without that redheaded bitch and her vagoo getting in the way."
Despite Arno not knowing you, despite there being no evidence for this relationship, despite you being there for Arno for what, several days? at his bedside, you're already swooping in and 'working things out'. It doesn't work like that, especially for an extrovert who grieves and feels deeply.
Elise's body isn't even cold and you're moving in with this romance. I'm glad a man who loved his girlfriend so much is ready to honour here memory mere weeks after she's gone with a guy he barely knows. Makes total, absolute sense. Arno isn't even sure if he's bisexual/gay at this point, but the author will make him gay because she absolutely loathes Elise.
So. Not even a month after her death (she died in late July, Arno's birthday is on August 26th) and you two are dating. Yeah. That's believable.
1. One month since Elise's death.
2. Your depression is cured by the magical gay Englishman.
3. No build-up whatsoever.
4. This whole thing was based on Jacob's hatred of Elise, which Arno is still ignorant about.
5. Assume she's a bitch, hate her because she's a bitch, and gloat over her death.
6. Sell this pairing to idiots, who gobble it up because it's a slash pairing.
Yes, Arno. The woman you promised yourself to, wholly and fully, you dishonour her memory by going with a guy a month after her death. Fuck you too, asshole. What, is it because Jacob will give you a prostate massage? Is that why he 'makes you feel' that way?
Don't you mean 1848? And oh, that departing letter...I cried such tears.
And then...Chapter 7 changes timelines again. To high school. What. The. Fuck.
Stop being discriminatory towards gingers, girl. They're a minority. They have rights, too.
Predictably, Elise is written as the 'crazy girl', who is irrational and possessive over Arno. She is meant to be the female villain who gets in the way of our sacred gay couple. This trope is used constantly, and every time the female is absolutely humiliated. The author - and this goes for published authors too - have zero respect for female characters in these situations. It goes without saying it's gay misogyny - in the truest sense of the word.
What a way to show your love interest how you roll, dude.
This discontinued story ended with Jacob Frye - who has the same name and appearance as his ancestor, Jacob Frye - falling in love with Arno Dorian, who also looks the same as his ancestor Arno Dorian. What a timeception. Anyways, this whole thing stank from the get-go more than an Indian designated shitting street.
This 'romance' was never built up, and it is, frankly, unhealthy. The author, Lily, doesn't do any favours to gay men by making them obsessive assholes who wait until female love interests get killed so they can move in. It's unbelievably disgusting, and borderline sociopathic. You don't care for that person; you only want to fuck them. You're predatory, scheming, and destructive. I have zero pity for you and thank YOU to the author for showing all those nasty stereotypes you insist are oh-so wrong.
Jacob Frye is just a possessive gay man going after a guy he knows has a girlfriend, and how does our Frenchie respond? Jumping into bed not even a month after his beloved dies.
Oh that's wonderful character development. Not at all that trashy harlequin romance trope you authors claim to hate and desire to move away from. Isn't it nice, then, to see your work reveal your base desires? Really gets the almonds going.
Nothing makes me smile like fanficcers becoming their own worst nightmares and not having the self-awareness to notice it.
Why not start off with enough sap to make the maple syrup industry go bankrupt? As usual, it's based on a tumblr prompt:
I never felt happy as much as I'm with him. He was perfect, in all the meanings of the word.
He was caring, loving, good looking, French and an assassin.
Arno Dorian was the perfect guy and I probably don't deserve him but I don't care.He was mine.Yes, Arno, for a fictional character, does have the traits women adore in men: loyalty, honour, duty, and pure love. And he is a very well programmed pair of pixels. So is Jacob. Now, what do you get when you have very attractive fictional (white) men being adored by slash ficcers?
You get the 'I don't deserve him and he's mine and boy you are going to love it when I suck his dick' plot.
At first, we were just friends, his way of thinking reminded me a lot of my father and sister.But as the time passed I quickly learned that I'm falling for this damn guy and I want him to stay with me in London.
I don't mind the 'Friends to Lovers' trope, and it's a pretty effective tactic to build up a romance. But here, it's so hamfisted I'm waiting for the actual fisting to happen.
First, Jacob and Evie's thinking often diverged so much they would get into fights. In regards to his father, Jacob is rather stingy over him, viewing Evie as a carbon copy of him. Wouldn't Arno reminding him of his dad be a bad thing?
This is an AU where these two exist in the same timeline. Arno is almost a hundred years behind Jacob in canon. He's gotta tell me what kind of skin cream he uses.
And with that, he left me, with a promise to return.I held myself from crying, it's not like he left me completely.‘Arno promised he'll return. Pull yourself together Jacob.’ I told myself as I walked in the street.1. You barely know each other.
2. This level of attachment when you barely know each other is not healthy.
3. Yes, pull yourself together. You don't have any chemistry and one of the major parts of any relationship is dealing with each other when you are apart. If you cannot live without that person for more than an hour, you need psychiatric help.
I sighed deeply as I heard the familiar annoying voice. I just said goodbye to my lover, I have no patience to deal with Roth now.While it was true I got along with him better than even with my own blood sister, now it was the wrong time to drag me into one of his crazy adventures.
A guy who nearly burned a building full of kids and snapped a baby bird's neck is A-OK now. You know, Lily, that animal abuse is a sign of psychopathy? That IRL serial killers, before they killed humans, all abused animals? Yup, get along just fine.
I wasn't sure how to answer. Should I say Arno is my lover? It's not like a homosexual relationship was such a common thing in Britain. If already, it was something that can be called disgusting. Then again, the last thing I care about is what Roth is thinking about me.
This is the self-hating homosexual cliche, and as always it's a Red Herring: 'Ugh, homosexuality is so disgusting. You want to bang my hole, dude? I'll totally suck your dick.' While homosexuality was decriminalized in France in 1791, it was for personal affairs only; you could not be an open homosexual. In Britain, there were still buggery laws but, again, you had to be an open homosexual to be caught. This was an era where the good old British tradition of cottaging arose, along with rich gay men going to poorer European countries to sodomize young boys. It's a dirty secret, and men did it to both underage girls and boys.
And, once again, you two barely know each other.
At first, when I met you, I must admit I already felt something, love at first sight perhaps. But I wasn't sure of it.How can I? I was attracted to women my entire life, I loved Élise until her death.But after meeting you, everything I thought I know about myself started to confuse me.
"I loved a woman with all of my heart and was thrown into a depression when she died, but it's OK because I met you and became bi-curious and then gay. Just one meeting and I know I was 100% closeted. Screw that ginger, she was a bitch!"
Jacob Frye, you managed to pull me out of the dark place I was falling to after Élise’s death. And for that, I'm forever grateful for you.
We don't even learn of what this 'dark place' is, that's how ham-fisted this romance is.
In Chapter 2, we have this:
It's been half a year already and I heard nothing from Arno. Did he forget about me? Because it doesn't seem like he's returning anytime soon if at all.
This is not the era of Grindr or e-mail, where messages can be sent instantaneously. Letters can take months to reach their sender. While with locomotives and mailing systems/telecommunication systems becoming more sophisticated during this era, it was not perfect. Not getting a letter for months is perfectly normal. Stop being an obsessive baby, Jacob.
I yelled at him, trying my best not to cry. Tears won't do anything good here.
You want a tissue for all that onion chopping?
“If something happened?! You promised Dorian! You promised you'd write for me and be back as fast as you can! I didn't hear a single word from you for half a year!”“What are you talking about Jacob? I wrote you every week! You didn't receive my letters?!”
Jacob gets unnecessarily upset and possessive when a simple mistake of not reading his mail is addressed. We have had no real build-up of this relationship, so this whole thing appears very one-sided, if not possessive.
This guy was unbelievable. Roth was acting so weird ever since Arno showed up in my life.
It's pretty easy why. Roth is jealous Jacob's attentions are towards someone else, so he stole the letters Arno sent him. Much shock. Arno then tells him - correctly! - Roth is a psychopath, and Jacob, for whatever reason, doesn't get it. The Rothfrye pairing is as cringy as the Dorian/Frye pairing, especially since Roth was a guy OK with burning a building full of kids.
Psychopaths and mass murderers get a pass provided they're gay.
‘He has a thing for you.’It can't be. Arno is simply imagining it. I mean, it can explain Roth’s behaviour.The fact he stole Arno’s letters, the fact he picked up on him like a bloody bully, the fact he didn't leave me alone at all.But it can't be. Arno is wrong. He must be wrong.
Not only are you insulting my intelligence, you're insulting the reader's intelligence. No way in Hell Jacob would not know Roth didn't have a thing for him. They're acting like a bunch of sappy teenage girls. The signs are obvious as daybreak. Who are you fooling here?
I felt betrayed. I trusted the guy, I helped him in his crazy missions. I thought we understand each other.I can't believe how stupid I was.
Hey, you said it. Not me. Nice lampshading, though.
“Princess…?”This was Arno's nickname for me. Claiming I'm acting like such a spoiled princess sometimes.Only if he knew I act like that because of how much he spoils me.That's...queerer than a $3 bill made of rainbows and sparkling unicorns. The Fulsom Street Fair manages better nicknames. What the Hell.
This story ends with the two lovers reuniting after a totally jaw-clenching scene of Arno almost dying, before plot armour saves him. Needless to say, it was anti-climatic.
Return of the Cringe will be right after the line break.
This one was written by a friend of the author. I wonder if there'll be any improvements?
We have a 'Fade to black' cliche. And Jacob goes back in time...
"Calm down. He's with me." Another guy said and walked toward the hooded man. I wish I could understand what they were saying.I frowned as I felt something in one my pockets, just now I noticed the extra weight and reached my hand to see what it was.How do you even know de Sade is saying 'calm down' if you don't speak French, Jacob? Logic.
Arno looked at me for another moment before he chuckled and stood up. "Not going to happen British boy." He said. Was my French accent that terrible?
Wait. If you can speak French, yet the bartender speaks English...who is saying what, and what are you saying to everybody else? Ugh.
Then again, when I ever had good ideas?
I can ask the author the same thing.
Not to say he told he got exiled from the brotherhood. I remember it was mentioned in the document I read about him. But the question is, how did he return to the brotherhood? And when did he return exactly
You read his file. He returned to the Brotherhood sometime in 1794. Either you're as dumb as Evie thinks you are, or are made dumber because the author doesn't know much canon. Whatever it is, I'm taking it with a lot of salt.
"And I got a name French boy. I'm Jacob. Jacob Frye." I reached my hand toward him."Arno Dorian." Arno shook my hand. So we just started a new page, that was better than our first meeting earlier.
Except you...already had a brief introduction at the bar? You already sorta knew each other? Fuck it.
Something bad clearly happened in his life, and I wonder what it was to make him act...well, like a bloody bastard.
To be fair, it was likely Elise's death was never recorded as per his wishes, but Jacob has room to talk. They're both sassy bastards. That's why they're so loved by fans.
“Do you find me so interesting that you keep staring at me?” Arno’s voice made me snap out of my daydream.
While you are quite the attraction, Monsieur Dorian, Jacob was sneaking a peek at your crotch, because he's going to be going the merry-go-round route with it soon.
“If you're done flirting…” Léon said as he started to walk, “we should get going.” I could hear the amusement in his voice and I could feel the blush over my cheeks.
Out of the mouths of babes...and a plagiarized plot. Imagine working in Japan all those months and copying the DLC. Let me mop the sweat off your brow.
Now that I know where to look for, I don’t need this bloody git anymore.
No, that's why you were totes flirting not more than ten minutes ago.
There will be an addendum, as this fic was re-written by the author's friend. It will be covered right after the line break.
I wonder if this one will be any better?
“If you're really interested, I met his younger brother, Léon. I could send him a letter if you wish to speak to him.”
Leon and Arno weren't related by blood, and Leon would be really, really old by this point. Again, I wonder what kind of skin cream he uses.
I nodded at a man that gave me a cup of red wine, starting to drink it.
Wine is expensive, and you take me as a beer/ale drinker, Jacob. Englishmen love ale, Frenchmen prefer wine.
Dean didn't mention at all that Arno stopped being an assassin at such a young age. At least he looked young to me. He looked a bit older than me but also not in his 30’s yet.
He was expelled from the Brotherhood, and it would have been recorded the same as Altair's demotion. Jacob must've not read the margins.
Really, he decided that now would be a good time to pray?‘What the bloody hell is going through your mind, Dorian?’I got off the building and walked toward the church.
Jacob may not have been as diligent as Evie in regards to history, but Jacob should know that France at this time broke off with the Catholic Church and became secular. Plus, people were afraid of entering churches because of the restrictions on professions of faith. But I'm getting ahead of myself here.
“This is hurtful Mr Dorian. I can be a great help.” I said as I crossed my arms.
Jacob, this isn't a safe space. Show some sass for once. And how is it he can speak French all of a sudden? Piece of Eden trick? Ah, who knows?
Well this ended abruptly. Was it any improvement? No. It was yet another copycat of the DLC, with a wasted time-travel plot and terrible characterizations and interactions. There's a thing called effort: you should spend some time on it.
Now, for the magnum opus (sorta).
Inspired by these comments:
Gingers don't get enough love; they're truly the oppressed people of the world. Elise gets the shank because she's 'such a bitch'. What would happen if she got the Spider-man Mary Jane treatment, or the race-swapping of Ariel from 'The Little Mermaid'? Nobody would touch her then.
I met a guy once.There wasn't anything special about him. He was pretty tall, French. His light brown hair was tied into a short ponytail and his golden eyes reminded me of hawk's eyes, observing his territory for prey.Arno's eyes are brown, with a smidgen of green (if you look hard enough). Altair and Ezio had golden eyes, and so did Desmond. Jacob's eyes are hazel.
We're not off to a good start if we're debating eye colour, here.
He was an orphan who joined the Assassins and trained to fight for France and free its people from the revolution. He wanted, and succeeded, to help his country win an impossible war.Wait a second. Don't you mean 'help the people during the Revolution'? Because even if it never happened, France was massively in debt and she would've been carved into pieces the same way Poland was during the Partition. The Revolution, bloody as it was, was a people's revolt. Revolutions get bloody when peaceful methods are refused or are shot down, remember.
He was an outstanding fighter, using stealth to his advantage. His combat skills weren't too bad either and he knew how to combine the two and defeat his enemies quickly and efficiently.
>Outstanding fighter
>Combat skills weren't too bad
Pick one.
I had nothing else on my mind, and I knew for sure the revolution didn't end yet. Arno probably needed help one way or another, and I needed an excuse to stay close to him.
It ended in 1799. And say you'll suck his dick. That'll work.
'I freed the city of London from the Templars,' I thought a bit annoyed, 'I am more than capable to help you with your little revolution.'
"I'm confused and don't know where I am, but fuck you I'm helpful."
He was in love.It was a woman. She was shorter than him by a bit, he red hair was always held behind her head with a hairpin.She was his most cherished childhood friend.And she was a Templar.
Uh-oh. Better fridge the bitch, because the author doesn't like her!
Admiration turned into liking and before I knew it I fell for him.I fell for the guy I wished to meet so bad.
In two months? This wouldn't fly even with an OC fic. There's no build-up here. At all.
I soon came to meet a woman named Élise. Every bone in my body hated her.This is the author talking, and Jacob sounds like your typical gay misogynist: 'How dare the man I love be in love with a woman first! Fuck her, women are disgusting!'
She didn't trust me. She didn't want me there. She didn’t want me near him.
I'd hate you too, Jacob, because you're a possessive asshole who will patiently wait until Arno's love dies so you can swoop in and have sex with him.
I looked at her surprised as she told me to stay away from Arno and make sure I don't infect him with my disease. I blinked at her a few times, giving her a blank look. I hated her, but I had no intention to make her break up with Arno, especially when I saw just how happy the French was with her.
You know he's happy with Elise, but your jealousy is so overwhelming you'll do anything to break them apart, and will take glee in her death and Arno's heartbreak. In a single sentence, you became the world's biggest asshole, Jacob.
"We should split up." She said. Who says that? I thought it was an important mission against a difficult target. Splitting up is the last thing we should think of.
Eh? You and Evie often worked separately. Where is this coming from?
Elise dies at the end of Chapter 3, and this is where the romance will really come into play.
He was so broken. I couldn't help. I wasn't her, I wasn't who he wanted.But I never stopped hoping one day I would be.
"Yes, the love of your life died. It's awesome, because now I can have you all to myself without that redheaded bitch and her vagoo getting in the way."
Having our relationship return to what it was before made me feel as if I huge weight was lifted off my chest. I couldn’t continue the daily routine of us ignoring each other and focusing our mind on other things instead of working things out. After all, I’m stuck here until the damn Apple decides I may return back. And being with Arno was better than going to the French council and ask them for help.
Despite Arno not knowing you, despite there being no evidence for this relationship, despite you being there for Arno for what, several days? at his bedside, you're already swooping in and 'working things out'. It doesn't work like that, especially for an extrovert who grieves and feels deeply.
I felt Arno's lips against mine. It was a slow, soft, kiss. Completely different from the one we shared a week ago.His hand stroked my cheek, sending shivers down my spine. I couldn't understand the look on his face. It looked a lot like guilt. For what? For Élise? For liking someone besides her?There was also confusion. He wasn't sure of his feelings. He wasn't sure if what he was doing is right. Warmth. Care. So much for just one look.
Elise's body isn't even cold and you're moving in with this romance. I'm glad a man who loved his girlfriend so much is ready to honour here memory mere weeks after she's gone with a guy he barely knows. Makes total, absolute sense. Arno isn't even sure if he's bisexual/gay at this point, but the author will make him gay because she absolutely loathes Elise.
It was a week before Arno's birthday. We were dating for a month now.And it was the best month I had my entire life.
So. Not even a month after her death (she died in late July, Arno's birthday is on August 26th) and you two are dating. Yeah. That's believable.
I felt broken again.I remember having a dream last night. In the dream I was with Jacob, we were walking in the street. I was smiling at him. My Jacob, my beautiful Jacob that I loved so much.
He was my everything. He was there to cheer me up and stay by my side after everything I've been through.
1. One month since Elise's death.
2. Your depression is cured by the magical gay Englishman.
3. No build-up whatsoever.
4. This whole thing was based on Jacob's hatred of Elise, which Arno is still ignorant about.
5. Assume she's a bitch, hate her because she's a bitch, and gloat over her death.
6. Sell this pairing to idiots, who gobble it up because it's a slash pairing.
I never met someone like him in my life. Even Elise, the person I loved dearly for a long time didn’t make me feel what he did.
Yes, Arno. The woman you promised yourself to, wholly and fully, you dishonour her memory by going with a guy a month after her death. Fuck you too, asshole. What, is it because Jacob will give you a prostate massage? Is that why he 'makes you feel' that way?
My name is Jacob Frye. I have a twin sister and I was born in Crawley, UK, in 1948.
Don't you mean 1848? And oh, that departing letter...I cried such tears.
He was gone. My love was taken away from me once again. And I was left all alone.I felt a terrible pain in my chest. It was worse than the feeling I had after Elise's death.
And then...Chapter 7 changes timelines again. To high school. What. The. Fuck.
"The two of you are still together?" Altaïr's voice came out of nowhere, "dude, break up with her already."
Stop being discriminatory towards gingers, girl. They're a minority. They have rights, too.
"Arno is mine. He was mine and he will be mine. Don't think you were more than a replacement."A replacement? What the hell is she talking about. Why would I even care about her stupid boyfriend?Poor Elise. Her boyfriend is going to get the ramrod shaft from an Englishman and there's nothing she can do about it. All because the author despises her for being a female love interest.
Predictably, Elise is written as the 'crazy girl', who is irrational and possessive over Arno. She is meant to be the female villain who gets in the way of our sacred gay couple. This trope is used constantly, and every time the female is absolutely humiliated. The author - and this goes for published authors too - have zero respect for female characters in these situations. It goes without saying it's gay misogyny - in the truest sense of the word.
Yes, we get it. You find both of these white men attractive, knowing you cannot ever have men like them in real life because they're sexist pieces of shit or whatever. If you can't get a hot man, ruin him by sodomizing him. Works every time.Okay, the guy has the most beautiful eye colour I've ever seen. Perfect mixture of hazel and green but they seemed… lonely?
Jacob made me let go of him after a few seconds.“Stop staring like a freak and get this over with.” He said, bending down to tie his shoes.
That was when I felt the tears. Everything came back to me all of sudden.Arno… Arno Dorian.. MY Arno. We met before. I know him. I... fell for him.All the dreams I was having, all the confusion about him...It's all because we met one. Or at least our ancestors or something like this.There are time travel romance plots and reincarnation plots, and then there is trash like this that never should've made it past the WordDoc. Even if this was beta'ed, it'd still be a piece of shit. Holy hell, this is so female centric I grew a second pair of tits.
Arno and I used to be together once, but the bitch got to him again. Arno is her’s.I can't have him.How do I always get the luck of falling for the same unapproachable guy?Easy. Wait for the psycho bitch to pressure her boyfriend to break up with him, and then give him a wiggle. You'll definitely show him your wonderful English cottage, won't you?
Nice manhandling. I'm sure that makes you look good in comparison. Truth be told, this back and forth abusive attitude by both Elise and Jacob don't make me pity either of them. Elise is only made this way because the author despises her (gingers don't have souls, after all), and Jacob is angry she's mad at him for trying to steal her boyfriend. It's so petty as to be ridiculous, but Jacob did just threaten Elise with death. In front of Arno.At this point, I had enough. I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her closer to me.“Listen to me well..” I said annoyed. “I don't give a single fuck about what you think. Back then, I didn't mind your empty threats because Arno's good was more important than anything else. But I'm done putting up with your shit. Get close to me again, and I'll stick my blade deep in your throat.” Letting go of her, I grabbed my bag and walked past Arno out of the house.
What a way to show your love interest how you roll, dude.
I still don't understand that. As far as I know, she and Jacob aren't familiar with each other, and he has done nothing to even hit on me. If already, I started developing a crush on him.I hoped he'd let me talk to him, but I never got that chance.Yes, this is totally healthy, especially after you watched your girlfriend get threatened by your boytoy.
This discontinued story ended with Jacob Frye - who has the same name and appearance as his ancestor, Jacob Frye - falling in love with Arno Dorian, who also looks the same as his ancestor Arno Dorian. What a timeception. Anyways, this whole thing stank from the get-go more than an Indian designated shitting street.
This 'romance' was never built up, and it is, frankly, unhealthy. The author, Lily, doesn't do any favours to gay men by making them obsessive assholes who wait until female love interests get killed so they can move in. It's unbelievably disgusting, and borderline sociopathic. You don't care for that person; you only want to fuck them. You're predatory, scheming, and destructive. I have zero pity for you and thank YOU to the author for showing all those nasty stereotypes you insist are oh-so wrong.
Jacob Frye is just a possessive gay man going after a guy he knows has a girlfriend, and how does our Frenchie respond? Jumping into bed not even a month after his beloved dies.
Oh that's wonderful character development. Not at all that trashy harlequin romance trope you authors claim to hate and desire to move away from. Isn't it nice, then, to see your work reveal your base desires? Really gets the almonds going.
Nothing makes me smile like fanficcers becoming their own worst nightmares and not having the self-awareness to notice it.
Hmmm wow
ReplyDeleteWhere to start from?
Hey, I'm that ginger hating author who makes gay man become super crazy!
I want you to be honest with me - did you never have something you wrote or did at a young age and then looked back at it a few years later and thought it was cringy as hell?
Because I do. All the time. It happens.
If I had my older stories (from 2009-ish) I'm sure I'd think "wow, I should burn it."
There are ideas which are good only temporarily. They don't last. And I know I lack the writing skill to make a story good. It's no secret.
You may read the newer things I got and your opinion would probably stay the same. Poor plot with poor planning. I know.
But I want to adress a few things:
1. Yeah, straight couples aren't my cup of tea. I'm not sure why, I just tend to stay away from this area.
It's not because of hate. I'm just uncomfortable with it like there are people are uncomfortable with homosexual relationships. I don't see something wrong with it.
2. You kept claiming I hate Elise because she's a ginger and she's in the way of their relationship.
I don't.
I played the game and the way her characteristic is portrayed is not to my liking.
So? Am I not allowed to have an opinion?
Besides, she's the one who went crazy on Arno after her father died without giving him a chance to explain.
While I do write OOC, I base some things according to what I know.
3. Not everything in this story is about Arno and Jacob f*cking each other. If I wanted to write that, I'd write a one shot. (Which I also have and you're more than welcome to check it. Would probably be too cringe worthy for you as well)
4. This is FICTION.
If I can't write fiction in a fanfiction site, then what's the point?
Again, I know it's not the best written story. I know there's always a way to improve. And I'm working on it.
But what's the fun in always having a serious written story?
I've tried it once.
I stuck to real life events and tried to make it logical. And guess what? The story showed no progression at all. I had to abandone it because I couldn't progress further.
I'm not a book author. I never studied character development or plot planning.
To be honest? Most of my stories are written without planning ahead at all!
But I love writing as much as I enjoy reading, playing games or drawing.
Even if I don't publish them, I love writing to myself. And if there's someone who reads my stories and enjoyes the plot, as cringy and as terrible as it might be, I'd still be happy even though I know it's bad!
Anyways, thanks for review this 'piece of trash'. It probably wasn't easy to read as it's not easy for me to go over it now.
Have a nice day!
(English is not my native language, so I apologise for any mistake)
"Hmmm wow
DeleteWhere to start from?
Hey, I'm that ginger hating author who makes gay man become super crazy!"
Yes, and you're in a place where negative comments aren't easily deleted. We'll be able to have a nice, long chat without anyone crying to mods.
And yes, I'll be honest with you. That was the whole point of this post, wasn't it?
"You may read the newer things I got and your opinion would probably stay the same. Poor plot with poor planning. I know." - Yes, and you wouldn't like someone sitting there reading your stuff and telling you otherwise.
To answer:
1. You came from a heterosexual pairing. You are uncomfortable with them, but are fine with homosexual pairings. My guess is you have zero idea of what actually happens during gay sex or why so many gay men suffer from STDs or have to go for routine STI checks, let alone why there are blood bans. I think a visit to the CDC would trigger you immensely.
2. I've read the comments, don't bullshit me. You despise Elise. You told your other readers you'd eliminate her so Arno could get with Jacob. This is more than you disliking her character.
Yes, she initially blamed Arno for the death of her father, but she learned he was not his killer. When all of her allies abandoned her and she had nowhere else to go and no one to lean on, Arno was her anchor and primary supporter. She knew that. You clearly do not, despite playing the game. The OOCness is based on 'what you know', which is to say, 'nothing at all'.
3. By all means, if you did, I'd happily send you links to why gay men get giardia lamblia or why med-resistant gonorrhea is such a problem among them. You know as well as I do your readership came to your fic because of that pairing. They don't give a shit about the 'plot', they want the porn.
4. I don't give a shit. Public domain? Public comments. The Internet is not your safe space, and you fanficcers need to get out of this 2010 mentality that you cannot get any form of criticism whatsoever. AO3 may prohibit any negative comments because of a 'delete' button, but here, I can tell you to simply grow the hell up and deal with it.
You probably cannot write serious stories because they are - le shock - too difficult for you.
Of course you're not a book author. Your editor and publisher would reject all of your manuscripts, and you can't use the 'it's fiction!' excuse when money is involved.
The whole 'I write for myself' is so much bullshit I wonder if anyone believes it. No, you don't write for yourself. You write because you want someone to read your work. The limitations, of course, is whether those people have the gall to say no to you; to steer you in a better direction. When people like me with skin in the game and nothing to lose come in and tell you, uninhibited, where you're going wrong, you lose your marbles. Every. Single. Time.
If you never want to improve, maybe AO3 is the place for you. It's definitely the place for people to 'pwn' haters when they happily criticize people like the American President and politics in general.
I'd like it if we don't discuss "where I came from" or what my opinions on heterosexual relationships. Thank.
Delete1. I do acknowledge that being in a homosexul relationship isn't all "sunshine and rainbows". It has some deep shit involved and of course I'm aware the homosexual community wouldn't agree with A LOT of what I write.
Sue me.
2. How continent that once she had no one she came back to Arno.
I wouldn't welcome a person like this so easily like he did, but that's what ubisoft wanted.
3. I can say the same about plegir.
Nobody gives a shit about a book an author worked super hard on. They only want a plot to steal.
I couldn't care less what people expect. I write what I like and whoever wants to read it for whatever reason - go ahead.
Just like you went through it to give your criticism. Enjoy.
4. I never delete comments.
I have no interest in shutting someone up because their opinion is different than mine.
Social media isn't a safe place, sure. I am aware of that. But this platform is meant for sharing with whoever is interested.
That's my opinion and I'm sticking by it.
Maybe that's why I never tried to sell a publisher any of my stuff. I have no interest in it either.
And I do write for myself.
If you think the 9 works I have published are all I wrote since 2010 - you're wrong. I have SO MANY things I wrote with my friend just for fun.
Not for someone to read it. Not everyone want attention.
I have no problem with people pointing me wrong, I accept criticism.
If you think I'm just trying to find ways to prove you wrong then it's not the case. I'm letting you know my side.
Let me know if you have anything else to say, I'll reply.
Such a shame SilverSpoon isn't here to kiss your ass and give you undue credit.
DeleteFirst, you openly said you don't like heterosexual relationships. You're welcome.
1. Really? So why do you continue to write them as if they are? If anything, the gay community would probably think you're too tame. The majority of people who write slashfic - mostly women - have zero idea why gay men suffer from so many STDs.
2. Gee, maybe it's canon...he actually loved her? But you despise her, so you can't understand why THIS heterosexual pairing works.
3. Lol. You stole the plot from the DLC.
No, you don't accept criticism. You've giving me a lot of excuses why you 'write for yourself', and whether I can see your new stuff. Someone who actually accepts criticism would want to open up a conversation, and not brag about warping canon all because you dislike gingers.
1. Why I continue writing it this way?
DeleteBecause I want.
Because I'm not interested in writing harsh 'real world' in depts and confuse myself with information that goes in depts that will probably take me few weeks of study to understand.
I'm not looking for a way to educate people. I'm not Wikipedia, webMD or any other site for medical research.
I'm a writer.
And in all the fics I read, not once people went into details. Because that's not the point of our stories.
The point is to publish works for others to read and enjoy.
Please explain me why that's wrong? Why enjoying fiction is wrong? Why writing things that are not 100% accurate is wrong?
It's for fun.
Not research purposes. Not for insult purposes. Not for anything of this sort.
2. Okay, Arno loved her.
Good for him.
But there's no argument about how this love wasn't acceptable by her father who knew about Arno and how Elise still left him and returned when it was comfortable for her.
And Arno was a mess after prison and after she left him. But did she care?
If I wanted to write Arno/Elise fic I would have. But I don't.
3. Of course there are parts of the plot that are like the game/DLC. It based on the game in the end. It is simply writren in a slightly different way.
But I never claimed this plot or the characters belong to me.
I'd like to understand your argument about gingers.
I don't even see Elise as one.
If she was blonde you'd say I think all blondes are dumb?
Why is her hair color a part of this?
And trust me that I don't need commenters to come for my rescue. I'm capable of handling a conversation on my own just fine.
So, let's be honest here: you 'write what you want', which happens to be ridiculous, poorly written garbage that you don't want to admit. You don't approach serious subjects or topics, because it's 'too hard', but you don't have an issue when it becomes convenient.
Delete"Writer" in this case is extremely subjective.
So, in all the fics you read, no one goes into detail, because it's 'not the point' of your stories. It's for 'others to read and enjoy'. That, to me, screams laziness. You told me you had improved over the years and you make the biggest mistake any author, fanficcer or otherwise, does for their trade: you refuse to do research and add authenticity to your work.
'Writer' is definitely subjective.
"Please explain me why that's wrong? Why enjoying fiction is wrong? Why writing things that are not 100% accurate is wrong?"
Because when you write for a property that is legally not yours, you need to do research so you cannot be called out for OOCness or getting historical subjects wrong. I've seen people do this all the time and they always get irritated when I point this out, and it's all because they didn't use Google.
"But there's no argument about how this love wasn't acceptable by her father who knew about Arno and how Elise still left him and returned when it was comfortable for her.
And Arno was a mess after prison and after she left him. But did she care?"
...You have no idea how canon works.
By birth Arno was not First Estate. M. de la Serre was. There was a massive class wedge between them, and this in the public eye would make Arno completely barred from ever marrying Elise. Both of them knew this; that's why they had their affair in private.
Second, Elise had no idea who truly killed her father. Yes, she wrongfully blamed Arno - that is a valid character flaw. But then she realized Arno was innocent and turned to him when no one else would be her ally. In her letters to him she chastised him for entering the Creed but she always showed and expressed her love for him in those letters.
Lol, you lowkey stole the DLC plot. Don't back out of it.
You won't write a heterosexual fic because it makes you uncomfortable. Be honest, now.
Of course I avoid serious subjects.
DeleteGoing in detail about things like abuse, personal problems and things like this can trigger some unpleasant things in people who do experience them.
Especially because each experiences something different and you can't be accurate even with all the research you want.
You can never write one thing that everyone will think is okay. Throughts will differ and people will have a different opinion.
With all the amount of research I'll do, I'll never be able to be accurate.
I'll tell you honestly?
I left the AC fandom years ago. I didn't find the latest games interesting at all and found another thing to put my interest in.
Unity was my least favourite game and Syndicate was my last. I didn't bother with it anymore.
If you want me to just say 'yes' to everything you claim, I'm sorry to disappoint.
And you're avoiding my question. Why her hair color is an argument?
Hello! Silverspoon here!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all... If you think you can call me out like you did above, then you are wrong. Yeah, I'm here out of curiosity, but, well... your friend kind of started this.
Let me point something out:
1. You are a child that has too much free time on their hands. Writing stuff like that? Don't you have homework to finish, darling? I mean, look at you - coming down so hard on the poor NightLily right here. Let me ask you this: why don't you use your wonderful analytical talent and use it on someone else? Someone of your own huuuuge size? Like Virginia Woolf? Shakespeare? Emily Austen? Stephen King? Oh, I know why! Because Lily is not famous, is that it? Try badmouthing Agatha Christie on Reddit - don't come crying to me if you get sad, though.
2. All of this was absolutely unnecessary. Targeting an author online and harassing them is called "cyberstalking", and it is a federal crime punishable by law. I bet you didn't know that! How does that feel now? Ready to leave NightLily the hell alone? No? Aw, you troll. So cute. And so illegal.
3. "Such a shame SilverSpoon isn't here to kiss your ass and give you undue credit." Is someone salty and feeling insecure? Big bad Silverspoon scared you so much that you've decided to mention me here, instead of Archive, where I can actually see your words? Well, your friend gave me this link, so... here I am! Saying that I'm kissing someone's ass would imply that I actually know this person and it would also imply that you know me. You don't know anything about me, darling. Don't go assuming my identity based on a comment I left a while ago - and don't involve me into this.
4. And finally, I have come to a conclusion that you are an internet troll that decided to play god and bully someone online. Such a shame that I don't view you as a threat. You're as scary as a chihuahua. All bark and no bite, adorable.
And before you accuse me of being sexist, racist, discriminatory and all of the wonderful words that are contained in the vocabulary of your brain, let me introduce myself: female, half-Asian, bi, born in the US and I know my rights. So, like... good luck getting more attention from other people on the internet! Because you didn't catch mine.
Ciao and good night, darlings! <3
I gotta say, you made my day.
DeleteI can absolutely call you out. We're in a call-out culture, aren't we? Sure, you can point out some stuff. Here, it's all fair game.
First, you're whiteknighting an author who admits she does no research for her works. Nothing like that would fly in the publishing world, even for harlequin romance works. Saying you did no research is akin to bringing in a resume with no experience to a high end job.
Second, nothing says childishness like passive-aggressive behaviour. If someone has 'too much time' on their hands to leave a critical review, what does it say to the person who spent all their time writing a work they say is not their best and is proud of it?
Third, I can use analytical talent on anyone. I might do Yuri Slezkine in the future. Maybe Solzhenitsyn. All those big time authors with so many words to their names, you know?
Plenty of people badmouth established authors, dead or alive. It's how they present the 'badmouthing' that can bring people to an understanding or not.
Plus, no, this is not cyberstalking. For a girl who talks a lot about things being childish, throwing out that accusation when all these works are in the public domain brings a genuine smile to my face. I don't care for Lily's personal details - I am only discussing her work.
Plus, you're not threatening anyone with that big girl talk about cyberstalking - more on that in a minute.
It actually doesn't surprise me you're half Asian. That absolutely explains the white fever. I did end up catching your attention, though, because you did feel the need to comment - excuse me - clarify why someone leaving criticism is an Internet bully. Might I recommend reading David Cole, Jim Goad or even Vox Day?
Oh, one more thing. As a bi half Asian girl who knows her rights, might I recommend this helpful video?
Just because it's a 'call out' society, does it make it okay?
DeleteIf our society does nothing about sexual harassment, does it make it okay?
It's clear this is a dead end, don't you understand this yet?
You don't like fic writer and nothing will change your mind.
And please, stop taking things out of proportion for your own favour.
I'm still waiting for explanation about gingers.
Also, I never said I don't do my research. I said there is information I do my research on so I won't make myself or anyone who happen to read my stuff.
The fact I don't research about all the procedures and the medical history which involves sexual relationships is one thing.
Please let's stop this discussion since I feel this is not going anywhere.
You keep throwing blames at me why I'm not up to your standards and I explain I have no intention to.
YOU are not the audience I'm trying to reach and I don't have to change anything in my writing to please you.
Say whatever you like and keep your opinions. I'll keep mine.